Looking a bit tough - can we find at least 3 more in a few hours?
Can’t make it guys, work Christmas party
Could we find one more? :)
Did someone just drop?
I'm trying get more, but looking unlikely. Myself I have pikkujoulu at work today so cannot join
Seems so - we're still 7
Anna joined and someone left
I could join for the 4vs4. Wasn't planning since kid is home with fever, but maybe it is ok for 2h :D
Nice! Then we are 8! Let's play :)
Our numbers look pretty thin again today. Please mark yourself IN, if you're coming and and ask your friends along too. See you tonight, I hope.
Olis kannattanut jäädä pidempään Sir Oliveriin kuuntelemaan keikkaa: "Nuoret Metsänvartijat. He olisivat voineet olla isompia kuin Jormas"
No, mähän oon täällä kyllä vielä.
I have to drop out, feel bad this morning
2-4 more players would be really nice! Any volunteers?
Otherwise I'm fine with 4 v 4. Game on!
10 now!
Futsal tomorrow in Merihaka. Mark yourself in today!
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