8 is fine but a few more players would be great :)
One more!!!!
Jea one more, but 4vs4 is fine
Huomenna on kauden viimeinen futsal-vuoro. Tule mukaan!
The last futsal turn tomorrow. See you there!
Seems like we're too few today :(
damn, I completely forgot about today, let me try to do a last minute hurrah
We currently have 7, Chatti is asking for more players and maybe we can find extras on the pitch. Should we play still today? Also does anyone have a ball? :D
Lets play. Me and Onni are on our way. No ball.
Well if we're 8 I guess that's good enough ^^ I don't have a ball either - does someone have oneor should I go shopping? :D
I bring the ball, but it’s old, we can play with it
if you are able to shop for one, it'd be safer, I can share the cost
a friend of mine is going to join
Football today at Sepänkenttä at 20.00!
Not looking very good - can we get any more players?
I've been trying but people are not available :(
managed to get 2 more, can we have 1-3 more players please :)
unfortunately it's already 4pm so sadly I have to signout and most likely inform the 2 extras that we don't have enough players today
no game then this week
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