Do we have a reservation and its listed online? Last week there was some confusion on the reservation.
We do, I double checked with Janne and the slot has been reserved for us until end of August.
Here's the link incase we need to show anyone:
Choose Tehtaanpuistonkenttä/Tekonurmikenttä option to see our 20-21 slot (Nerds)
It seems Pallo-Pojat Juniorit (PPJ) leased the 15-21 slots and sub-leased the 20-21 slot to us. That's why it doesn't show on the Helsinki city website
Anyway.....more players gogogo!
There maybe some more we can recruit from the field.
In the worst case, I'm fine with 4 v 4 as well so game on!
I'm recruiting possibly 1-3 more
Senores y senoras, football manana! Add name to list asap ⚽️
Can't come today but recruited my replacement
Thanks Toober👍
+0-4 extras
we are 11 at the moment, are we playing today with these numbers or having a day-off instead?
Let's play!
of course we're playing!
Great, let's play then!
I come also!
+1-4 extras. We should get a good 7+1 game with potential subs
+1-4 extras
lots of players today!
which is great! is it however possible that we have only 2 teams with quick subs probably, but not 3 teams, so that each of us maintains more or less the same tempo during this hour?
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