More players needed for today!
I got flu! I can’t join you guys! Have a nice one.
Hi Janne,
One of my friend Rafik will come to try with the team. Im working i can’t make it!
Thanks for letting me know. Hope to see you soon.
have the season fee's amount been decided yet?
Futsal today at 18:30. Mark yourself IN now!
Futsalia huomenna klo 18.30 Merihaassa!
Nimenhuuto ei näköjään lähettänytkään eilen viikottaista muistutusta huomisesta. Laitoin sen kyllä päälle eilen, muttei tullut ainakaan minulle.
Futsal tomorrow at 18:30 at Merihaka.
Sorry, the weekly reminder email was missing this week. I try to find out why. Anyways, see you tomorrow!
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